5 Tips for a Safe & Fun Halloween

It’s trick-or-treat season! Before you hit the neighborhood running with your masks and makeup on and your candy bags in hand, let’s make sure the only scary things you see are all part of the Halloween spooky fun!
1. Prep Ahead
Add reflective tape, glow sticks, and flashlights to your kids/costumes, and use battery-operated twinkle lights and glow bracelets on your stroller or wagon. The more obnoxious, the better!

Discuss emergency preparedness with your children in case of an emergency. Include tips like carrying a small first aid kit, knowing basic first aid for choking, and having a plan if a child gets lost.
Stick to well-lit streets, avoid secluded areas, and only visit homes with porch lights on. Use ID bracelets with contact information, teach kids to identify safe adults to ask for help, and designate a meeting spot in case anyone gets separated.
2. Head Out Early
Daylight is always better when it comes to pedestrian safety. If possible, plan to venture through Candy Lane early and head home for a holiday movie when it’s dark out.
3. Candy Caution
Candy is one of the most common culprits of choking in young children. And, choking is often silent. Have your little (or big) ones eat their candy, gum, or any other food before buckling up or when they get to their final destination to avoid any choking hazards.
4. Map Your Route
Before the big night, take your kiddos on the neighborhood route you will use and discuss the expectation to walk (not run), to use sidewalks and crosswalks, and to stop and look both ways at driveways. The more you can prepare and practice the better!
5. Take the Costume Test
If you are planning on hopping in and out of the car, ensure your child’s costume passes the coat/bulky clothing test. Costumes are notorious for being unsafe in the car seat due to extra padding and fluff! Remove costume accessories before loading your trick-or-treaters in the car or use car seat-friendly costumes that don’t interfere with harnesses.
Wishing you a spook-free night, safe in the street!
PS Looking for something festive to wear, hosting a Halloween celebration, or in charge of the class party? I’ve got you covered! Shop Halloween Here!
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