Best Baby Strollers and Travel System Strollers 2025

From the day you find out you’re having a baby, there are a few baby gear pieces that come to mind that you just KNOW you’ll need. And if I were to guess, I’m pretty sure a reliable stroller is on top of mind when creating your registry and searching “best baby strollers.” There are so many to choose from, so I know it can be overwhelming to finally pick one and, more importantly, love it.
There are some things you should consider while you’re shopping around. Do you want a bassinet stroller for the newborn days? Do you travel often and need a compact and lightweight option? Do you want the stroller that can be converted to a double? How do you want it to fold? Do you want a travel system (stroller/infant car seat combo)? Are you on the taller side and need an adjustable handlebar? Taking all of these into consideration, I’ve compiled a list of our top picks of the best baby strollers and travel system strollers for 2024!
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Best Baby Strollers and Travel System Strollers
Best Travel System Strollers
Travel systems include an infant car seat that can be installed in your back seat using a base and a compatible stroller frame that your car seat clicks into. New parents often love the ease of just moving the infant seat from the car and right onto the frame for ease of use. Here’s my list of the best travel system strollers.
These first two on our list are a car seat and stroller in one. No need for a separate infant carrier! A seamless transition from stroller to car.
1. Doona

3. Century Swap On Modular Travel System

4. Safety 1st Smooth Ride QCM Travel System

5. Chicco Bravo 3-in-1 Trio Travel System

7. Evenflo Gold Shyft Travel Smart Infant System Stroller with SecureMax

8. Baby Jogger City Mini GT2 All-Terrain Travel System

Best Convertible Strollers
Convertible Strollers often have different attachments and adapters for different modes (such as a bassinet seat, forward-facing toddler seat, stroller boards, converts to a double, etc.) Keep in mind that these full-size strollers are also travel systems, meaning it’s a car seat stroller combo AND has other modes.
1. Mockingbird Single-to-Double Stroller 2.0

2. Graco Modes Element DLX Travel System

3. Maxi-Cosi Tayla Max Travel System

5. Evenflow Pivot Xpand Modular Travel System

Best Double Strollers
You’ll need a reliable double stroller if you have two (or more) little ones. Some are the classic side-be-side double, some are top and bottom, and some include a toddler seat or stroller board for your older kiddos.

2. Joovy Caboose Sit and Stand Double Stroller

3. Baby Jogger City Mini GT2 All-Terrain Double Stroller

4. Austlen Entourage Sit and Stand Stroller

5. WONDERFOLD W4 Elite Quad Stroller Wagon

Best Lightweight Strollers
These are the best strollers if you need a lightweight, compact option to fit in a small car or apartment/smaller house. These strollers are more sophisticated than the umbrella strollers of the past. If your everyday stroller needs to be a bit more compact, just remember to consider weight limits and the size of your kid before clicking “purchase.”
1. Contours Bitsy Elite Compact Fold Lightweight Travel Baby Stroller

2. Mountain Buggy Nano V3 Stroller

4. Joolz AER+ – Lightweight Premium Baby Stroller

5. Bugaboo Dragonfly City Stroller

Best Travel Strollers
If you like to travel, you’ll need a lightweight and compact stroller option that is especially great for airplanes. For everything you need to know about car seats, strollers, and air travel, check out our Wheels Up course! The best travel strollers are all about ease of use, convenience, weight, and even the ability to fit in the overhead bin!
1. Baby Jogger City Tour LUX Stroller

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2. Besrey Self Folding Travel Stroller

3. gb Pockit+ All-Terrain, Ultra Compact Lightweight Travel Stroller

4. Delta Children LX Side-by-Side Stroller

5. Inglesina Quid Baby Stroller

6. Ergobaby Metro+ Compact Baby Stroller

Do Your Research
The best stroller for me might not be the best stroller for you. For example, you might not care how much storage space your stroller has, or you might be looking for the largest storage basket there is. You might be really particular about what kind of handlebars you want and if a stroller has a handlebar adjustment. Do you want a snack tray? Cup holders? Specific fabric color? Do your research, consider your wants and needs, decide on your budget, and go from there. Let us know in the comments if you chose a stroller from our list!
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